If you have a pool in your garden, then it is your responsibility to make sure you implement poolside safety- especially when there are children around. Of course, keeping an eye on kids while they’re in the pool is essential, but this is only part of it. Here are some tips to ensure you have poolside safety for your youngsters this swim season!
Always have an adult present.
Children can get into difficulties in seconds, so adult aid is vital. Make sure all the kids know they can tell an adult if there’s a problem – even if they caused it. Poolside safety is the adult’s responsibility, and someone needs to be on the watch!
Behave yourself.
It’s up to you to set the example for your children – no running, no bombing…you know the drill.
Know which is the deep end.
Checking the water depth is vital, especially for weaker swimmers. Poolside safety starts with understanding the pool and your limits so check with the owner before you decide to dive into the pool.
Wear sunscreen!
Not directly swimming-related, but water isn’t the only potential hazard. Sunburn isn’t fun for anyone and can potentially result in a trip to the hospital. So don’t forget to slip, slop, slap!
Put away toys to ensure poolside safety.
Remove toys, especially ones with wheels, from the side of the pool.
Have a barrier around the pool.
Safety experts recommended a fence that’s at least four feet high and made of closely-spaced slats so that no-one can squeeze through. Make sure there’s no hand or footholds for clever climbers. To ensure poolside safety, you can also check to make sure there isn’t anything next to the fence that a child could use as a step-stool or ladder.
Lock the gate.
Make sure you can lock the gate to the pool. Self-closing and locking gates are the best, and you can also fit an alarm that lets you know the gate has opened. You should also keep any doors that lead from the house to the pool locked.
Use a water alarm.
These alarms sit on the water and go off if anything heavier than a duck goes into the water. Perfect to uphold poolside safety with children around!
Don’t overestimate children’s ability.
Don’t ever assume that your child – or anyone else’s – is competent enough in the water to be unsupervised. Cramps, a bumped head or a tangled foot can quickly lead to disaster.
Take the cover off completely.
Always remove the cover completely when the pool’s in use so that no-one gets caught under it.
Keep your phone on hand.
Either a cordless house phone or your mobile should always be by the pool with you. This means you won’t be running inside to answer calls and you have a phone handy if you need to call the emergency services.
Learn first aid for poolside safety.
Especially CPR. It’s never too soon to teach the kids basic first aid! Also, make sure your safety equipment is always within easy reach. It may just save a life!
If you are ready to have some poolside fun this swim season, contact Pool Fab today for a quote!